Let’s Shape Your Digital Future Together

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Passionate And Experienced

Meet our Talented Team

자몽컴퍼니의 임직원 일동을 소개합니다!

Daniel Han

Team Leader

Daniel Han has the longest tenure at Jamong Company and has consistently demonstrated exceptional abilities during his time with the company.

Rose Kim


Rose Kim has made significant contributions as an online MD through numerous event planning initiatives.

Kevin Lee

Contents Producer

Kevin Lee has diligently fulfilled his role as a content producer, actively participating in collaborations with various colleagues.

Runa Lee


Runa Lee has contributed by effectively communicating with customers and diligently completing her tasks through various marketing event setups.

Visit us

오시는 길

SK V1 Center, 155 Misagangbyeon Hangang-ro, Hanam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea